Kalama Intermediate Complaint Procedures

Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School Parent Community Protocol for Addressing Concerns

In order to promote improved communication and timely attention to concerns, Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School suggests the following protocol to resolve issues. This protocol is not intended to infringe on individual rights, it is rooted in the belief that the best solutions to parent/student concerns are ones that are agreed upon at school level.

Step 1: Conference with the Teacher

Should a parent have a concern about their child’s classroom, the first step should be to contact the student’s teacher. There are occasions where the school administration may not be aware of the concern or would need to consult the teacher before continuing the conversation. Your child’s teacher is best able to clarify classroom procedures and policies and make adjustments.

Step 2: Conference with School Counselor

The school counselor is another student support that a parent can approach. Often, especially if the concerns are a behavioral or social nature, a counselor can be counted upon for assistance and to also work with the student.

Step 3: Conference with the Principal

If a parent is not satisfied with a teacher’s response, the school principal should be contacted. There may be an occasion when the principal may not be available, in which case it should be referred to the vice principal. If it is not an emergency, please allow prudent time for the principal to return your call. The school principal manages the entire school and is best able to make decisions to resolve concerns.

Step 4: Contact the Complex Area Superintendent

Should a parent not be satisfied with the school principal’s handling of the concern, the next point of contact is the Complex Area Superintendent (CAS). The CAS will consult with the principal in the resolution process and either the CAS or school principal will contact the parent.

Step 5: Contact the Deputy Superintendent

Should a parent not be satisfied with the Complex Area Superintendent’s action, the next level is the Deputy Superintendent’s Office or State Superintendent’s Office.

The above steps are to be followed in the order written. More often than not, all concerns will be taken back to the school level for resolution.