Home-School Compact

We, the students, parents, teachers, and principal of Kalama Intermediate School agree to the following to help us achieve our mission and vision:

Student’s Agreement...It is important that I do my best and I will do the following:

  • Wear the school uniform proudly
  • Have a planner with me at all times
  • Attend school on time with a positive attitude about learning
  • Be alert and ready to work and learn with pencils, paper, and school supplies
  • Complete daily homework and return all assignments on time
  • Be respectful to myself and others by following classroom and school rules

Parent’s/Guardian’s Agreement...I want my child to achieve success and I will encourage him/her by doing the following:

  • See that my child attends school regularly and on time
  • Establish a schedule and provide a quiet/lighted place for study
  • Encourage and be aware of my child’s learning
  • Review and sign my child’s planner as instructed by his/her homeroom teacher
  • Review any communication sent home
  • Support the school with its discipline plan

Teacher’s Agreement...It is important that my students achieve success and I will do the following:

  • Guide and counsel students according to his/her needs
  • Provide standards based instruction
  • Use appropriate teaching strategies and materials for different learning styles
  • Participate in professional development activities
  • Provide homework and answer questions about assignments
  • Report student progress and provide timely feedback to parents
  • Provide a positive classroom environment

Principal’s Agreement...I support Kalama Intermediate School’s Compact and I will do the following:

  • Provide for a supportive environment that allows for communication between student, parent, and teacher
  • Ensure teachers provide students with standards based instruction
  • Provide professional development opportunities for school community groups to learn
  • Provide a safe environment for everyone to work, learn, and play.